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The Bumpass Podcast - Tabasco Balls

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Fri, 29 Apr 2016 15:01:52 Duration: 40:34
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Tabasco doesn't go well on Mark's balls so he not only had a run in with tabasco on the balls, he even had the balls to tell you all about it. None of you are signing up for CPR classes with Mark, so he joined a rescue squad for his benefit (and maybe now ya'll will sign up and take his very entertaining class, hmmmmf) A segment of Lets Ride Mark proves to be worth listening to. Elvis, Door, And Fishy Double Wides, errrrrr....just listen, its something like that. See ya suckers.
4/30/2016 07:18:10 - by mcfadone
Can't wait for show 100! Can I come on?

4/30/2016 19:30:15 - by Bumpass

8/31/2022 12:35:24 - by Walmart Scottsdale AZ employees
You're fucking funny

8/31/2022 12:36:41 - by Walmart Scottsdale AZ employees
You're fucking funny

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