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The Bumpass Podcast - Football Extravaganza(Thanks Donnnnna)

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Tues, 27 Jan 2015 15:01:52 Duration: 29:01
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Football Extravaganza(Thanks Donnnnna)...Yes, an old WTDS sound file gave Mark the idea for this show title. Its all football pretty much except for the deflated hockey puck part that has been in the news lately. Mark has a snack or two and travels to Ohio and also back to 1979 all within the half hour podcast. Also we discover just what exactly made Mark famous......its a must listen folks.....enjoy!!!!!!
1/29/2015 12:03:56 - by Sia
Very interesting show! Watch more
football podcaster!!

2/1/2015 00:48:42 - by bumpass
lol......come watch it with me.....we will swing from a chandelier doofus

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