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The Bumpass Podcast - Parched West Virginia People

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Sat, 18 Jan 2014 15:01:52 Duration: 59:21
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Mark takes a truckload of water to Hurricane West Virginia to unparch some parched residents. All show long you can get an inside look at the life of a truck driver who occasionally delivers goods to people during a disaster. Mark teaches the ABC s to a man in the back room of a delivery area....watch for ice on bridges can take a little longer to explain than one might imagine,,,,,,,,,,,,,wintery mix may be said more than once during this episode of the podcast. Mark loves his new soundboard. All and all the podcast tells a real hard working man story and a moist hoodie happens as well.
2/13/2014 17:20:04 - by mcfadone
Hey Mark!

I combined the comment and pics page - check it out!


2/14/2014 09:23:19 - by bumpass
I like it!!!!!

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