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The Bumpass Podcast - One last belch

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Sat, 2 Feb 2013 21:01:54 Duration: 65:05
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ONE LAST BELCH..Mark has a short tribute to The Belcher R.I.P....Ladies....dont break your arm while writing with a man pen next time you write to me. Gabe Gabe Gabe............sigh......The Travisty Comedy Page on Facebook steps up with some dueling group cu@t talk that Gabe started in my group. Pledge Of Allegience talk. A teacher bangs seven kids. Listener Christine doesnt care for camel toes.....WTF?tester has just found a new life in the bumpass podcast facebook group..........listen to the show people!
2/3/2013 18:02:29 - by mark
tester ?who is tester?

2/5/2013 18:31:12 - by mike
tester where? probably me

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