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The Bumpass Podcast - Show 57

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Fri, 7 Dec 2012 21:01:54 Duration: 122:53
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Mark has Bradley C. Baker(The C. Makes it sound more english)from www.brokenlinkradio.com on and Mike from www.thedrinkingshow.com crashes in. Mark gets real mellow sounding after the first hour........did he fall asleep during his own show or is he just mellow? Please excuse any production glitches....thanks and enjoy two hours of eargasm!
12/12/2012 14:21:38 - by Mike
Mormon? I knew it LOL!

12/12/2012 14:27:19 - by Mike
Did you send pics for this show?

12/12/2012 15:19:10 - by johnny appleseed
I did....with the rss....want em resent?

12/12/2012 19:43:33 - by Mike
Nope I forgot to post them - they are up now!


12/13/2012 02:23:57 - by skippy mcguilicutty
awesome!!!!!!!!saw that.thanks.

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